For Vindicta in Deadlock, the optimal build depends on what stage of the game you’re at and what enemies you’re playing against. However, there are a few core elements that work best for her aggressive, ranged playstyle.
Optimal Vindicta build:
Extra Charge
Characteristics Cost: 3000 Description Extra Charge adds extra charges to abilities. Use recommendations Useful for heroes with powerful active abilities.
Extra Health
Characteristics +150 health. Cost: 2500 points. Description Increases the hero’s overall health, making him more resistant to damage. Use recommendations Useful forRead More
Extra Stamina
Characteristics +20% stamina. Cost: 3000 points. Description Increases overall stamina, allowing you to use abilities longer. Usage recommendations Best choice for heroesRead More
Headshot Booster
Characteristics +40% headshot damage. Cost: 600 points. Description Increases headshot damage, significantly increasing damage potential. Usage recommendations Great for heroes with precisionRead More
High-Velocity Mag
Characteristics +30% bullet speed, +15% weapon damage. Cost: 700 points. Description Increases bullet speed, making it easier to hit moving targets andRead More
Mystic Burst
Characteristics Cost: 4100 Description Mystic Burst deals large area damage using magical energy. Usage recommendations Recommended for heroes with magical damage.
Bullet Resist Shredder
Characteristics Cost: 4000 Description Bullet Resist Shredder reduces the bullet resistance of enemies. Use recommendations Suitable for heroes with physical damage.
Combat Barrier
Characteristics +40% Bullet Resistance, Temporary Shield after Hit. Cost: 4000 Points. Description Grants a temporary shield after hit, improving defense in battle.Read More
Enduring Speed
Characteristics +15% movement speed. Cost: 3000 points. Description Increases movement speed, which is useful for fast rotation and mobile fights. Usage recommendationsRead More
Kinetic Dash
Characteristics +50% dash speed, +5 temporary ammo. Cost: 750 points. Description Increases dash speed and provides temporary ammo, which increases mobility andRead More
Long Range
Characteristics +15% range, +40% damage at range. Cost: 800 points. Description Increases damage at long range, improving the effectiveness of long-range attacks.Read More
Quicksilver Reload
Characteristics Cost: 3200 Description Quicksilver Reload increases the speed of weapon reloading. Recommendations for use Ideal for shooters.
Spirit Armor
Characteristics +30% to Spirit Armor. Cost: 3000 points. Description Increases Spirit Armor, improving resistance to magical attacks. Use Recommendations Recommended for magesRead More
Warp Stone
Characteristics Allows instant teleportation. Cost: 4000 points. Description Allows instant teleportation for quick movement around the battlefield. Use Recommendations Suitable for mobileRead More
Crippling Headshot
Characteristics +70% headshot damage. Cost: 3000 points. Description Deals high headshot damage, effective against enemies with low defense. Usage recommendations Best choiceRead More
Glass Cannon
Characteristics +70% damage, +10% shooting speed, -15% health. Cost: 4000 points. Description Significantly increases damage, but reduces the hero’s health, requiring cautionRead More
Improved Burst
Characteristics Cost: 3700 Description Improved Burst enhances magical attacks, dealing additional area damage. Use Recommendations Suitable for mages focused on mass damage.
Characteristics +70% damage at long range, +15% increase in shooting range. Cost: 4000 points. Description Increases damage when shooting at long range.Read More
Slowing Hex
Characteristics Cost: 4300 Description Slowing Hex reduces the movement speed of enemies, slowing their ability to escape or maneuver. Use recommendations IdealRead More
Superior Duration
Characteristics Cost: 4000 Description Superior Duration extends the duration of all active effects on the character. Use Recommendations Suitable for characters withRead More
Toxic Bullets
Characteristics Inflicts bleeding and reduces enemy healing by 65%. Cost: 3000 points. Description Inflicts bleeding and reduces enemy healing. Usage recommendations EffectiveRead More
This build focuses on increasing Vindicta’s ranged damage, improving her survivability, and maximizing her ability usage. It’s important to maintain a safe distance and use her abilities effectively to achieve maximum effect.